Complete visibility of your landing pages

No more surprises. Now you can focus on improving your PPC campaigns.

Landing page monitoring Landing page monitoring

Monitor everything important

Landing page availability
Landing page availability

Page availability

There are so many reasons why a landing page can become unavailable: the page gets deleted, the URL gets changed (without implementing a redirect), a software update takes down the whole website and so on.

In best case scenario when presented, with a 404 error page, user still engages with the brand, but realistically he just closes the browser.

PageScout checks if every landing page is available.

Landing page security

Security certificate

Delivering content via a secure connection is the norm now, but it comes with a risk. Risk that the security certificate doesn't get renewed or gets misconfigured.

When that happens users gets stopped by the browser before they even reach the website and are shown an error message informing them that the landing page that they were trying to reach is not safe.

PageScout checks if every landing page has a valid security certificate.

Landing page security
Landing page load time
Landing page load time

Load time

There are many things that can impact the load time of a page - a code update or someone adding a 2Mb large image can change the load time by several seconds.

A worse load time results in a lower landing page score on a bidding platform, higher bounce rate and a lower conversion rate.

PageScout measures the load time of every landing page.

Landing page tagging and tracking technologies

Tracking technologies

Tracking technologies allows us to understand user on-site behaviour as well as get insights about whether the users who arrived at a landing page converted.

If a tracking pixel is removed or there's an error in the tag management technology, the bidding platforms will receive false negatives.

PageScout tracks what tagging and tracking technologies are on every landing page

Landing page tagging and tracking technologies
Landing page content change
Landing page content change

Content change

Every single element on the landing page affects the performance of your campaigns. A change in layout, a change in the hero image or removing the contact form.

Without having a track-record of the landing pages you can't ascertain what exactly has affected your campaign performance.

PageScout takes screenshots of every landing page.

Easy setup

Manual URL upload
Manual upload

Simply upload a list of URLs and PageScout will start monitoring. Perfect for when landing pages don't change too often.

Google Ads integration
Google Ads integration

A daily Google Ads report containing the landing page URLs sent to PageScout ensures that only the relevant URLs are being monitored.

Facebook advertising integration
Facebook Ads integration

A daily Facebook Advertising report containing the landing page URLs sent to PageScout ensures that only the relevant URLs are being monitored.

Global testing infrastructure

Worldwide testing infrastructure

Canada | United States | Great Britain | Netherlands | Germany| India | Singapore

Fast notifications

Email notification

Receive notifications in your inbox - great for non-critical notifications.

Slack notification

Get updates right in your Slack channel for the whole team to be informed.

WhatsApp notification

For critical issues (pages not being available) it's best to find out ASAP.

Words from our customers

PageScout gives us that view that we have been always missing. We are constantly looking for ways how to improve the ROI of our activities and we don't want something like an issue on a landing page to hold us back.
We're responsible for more than 30 clients and it's impossible to know what is happening with each of the landing pages. More than once we have been saved by PageScout alerts. It's now part of our must-have tools.
Our clients expect us to deliver best results possible. On our biddable platforms we get early access to all the new features so we're always cutting edge. PageScout covers the other half of the equation.

... and there's more

Notification settings
Notification setup

Configure which changes you want to be notified about and how frequently.

Multi user access
Multi-user access

Invite other users and pick what level access you want to give them.

Domain level configuration
Domain level settings

Configure which users should get notifications for which domains.

Multi account access
Multi-account access

Easily switch between different accounts you have access to.

Multi location testing
Granular testing locations

Configure which URLs or domains you want to be monitored from which location.

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Avoid wasting your PPC budget

Start your 14-day free trial today and experience what it's like to have complete visibility of every landing page you send traffic to.

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