How to use the psychology of color to increase website conversions?

Author: Imants Krezins

Color is everywhere. It surrounds us in the natural world and it is used in a variety of ways to create an endless array of objects, images, and ideas. Its impact on people is significant; color has the ability to change how someone perceives an object, how they feel emotionally, and even how they behave. The element of color is a fundamental part of our lives and yet it is one that many people are not aware of and few people understand.

Misconceptions About Color Psychology

Color psychology has a lot of consumer research, but little scientific data to back it up. Color, for example, has been shown to impact a person's choice to purchase a product.

It's not, however, a one-size-fits-all answer. Colors have different meanings based on the aim of your ad and the age of your target audience.

Other things that may have an influence include:

  • The market in which you are selling.
  • The society to which you're selling and people's individual beliefs.
  • Gender differences and personal preferences.

As a result, you may come across publications claiming that the same hue works well for all campaigns. That is just not the case. Choosing the appropriate color scheme for each campaign or website is a process that requires evaluating a variety of options.

Why Is Color Psychology Important?

Color psychology may be used to convey value and to market a product. The Coca-Cola Company, for example, utilized their signature, vivid red to brand the campaign to commemorate 125 years of exceptional service.

The uniqueness of your company's brand should never be underestimated. In branding, good color selection has a number of advantages, including the following:

  • When it comes to retaining consumers and attracting new ones, the use of color is a powerful tool that may help you achieve these goals.
  • The correct color scheme might help to clarify your website's or brand's purpose. In order to get your product noticed, you must know and speak the language of your target audience, no matter how valuable or successful it may be.
  • In order to draw in new consumers and keep them coming back for more, you need to make sure that your website's colors are chosen carefully.

It is important to keep in mind that the psychology of colors is directly linked to our memories and past life events. People who associate yellow with happy memories, such as wearing yellow, dining at fast-food restaurants with yellow arches, or even living in a home with yellow walls may feel happy when they see the color.

How to test and measure the results of using color psychology on your website

When used correctly, color psychology can be an effective tool for influencing people's emotions and behaviors. However, it can be difficult to know whether or not your website's colors are actually having the desired effect.

One way to measure the results of using color psychology on your website is to conduct a test with a control group and a test group. The control group would view the website with its regular colors, while the test group would view the website with new colors that are supposed to influence their emotions or behavior. You can then measure any differences in the two groups' behavior or emotions. Another way to measure the results of using color psychology on your website is to track how long people stay on your website and what pages they visit.


In conclusion, using the psychology of color on your website can help to increase conversions. However, it is important to test different colors and combinations to see what works best for your site. Also, be sure to consider the feelings and emotions that different colors evoke in order to create a positive user experience. By following these tips, you can create a website that not only looks great, but also encourages users to take action.

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